3 de set. 2010

Tribut A Sir Edmund Hillary I Tenzing Norgay / Tribute To Sir Edmund Hillary And Tenzing Norgay

Aquest agost ha estat de celebracions a Catalunya, doncs s'han complert 25 anys de la primera ascensió catalana a l'Everest, la muntanya més alta del planeta, amb 8.848 m. Carles Vallès, Òscar Cadiach i Toni Sors (qui morí posteriorment en una altra expedició), foren els afortunats que tal dia com el passat 28 d'agost, però de 1985, aconseguiren aquesta fita. Adjunto primer l'entrevista que TV3 va fer a Carles Vallès i Òscar Cadiach fa uns dies, i en segon lloc però no per això menys important, un vídeo que he trobat en homenatge als primers alpinistes que varen coronar el cim d'aquesta imponent muntanya, "el sostre del món", l'any 1953: el neozelandès Sir Edmund Hillary, i el sherpa nepalès Tenzing Norgay. Un vídeo molt bonic per a uns herois inoblidables!
This August has been significant in Catalonia and celebrations have been seen around because of the 25th year anniversary of the first Catalan ascent to the 8,848 m summit of Mount Everest, in August 28th, 1985. The alpinists that succeeded that day were Carles Vallès, Òscar Cadiach and Toni Sors (who unfortunately died in the mountains a few years later, in a subsequent expedition). The first one of the videos is an interview in Catalan language with Carles Vallès and Òscar Cadiach, but the second video is a very beautiful tribute to the first two men that reached the top of the world, in 1953: the New Zealand alpinist Sir Edmund Hillary, and the Nepalese sherpa Tenzing Norgay. For many of us, two unforgettable heroes!

(Catalan video)

Des de la seva ascensió a l'Everest, Edmund Hillary va establir una relació molt especial tant amb Tenzing Norgay, com amb el poble nepalès, fins al punt que va acabar dedicant gran part de la seva vida a ajudar aquest poble, va crear una fundació per fer-hi diverses escoles i hospitals, i va continuar visitant-hi la seva gent cada any.
Since his ascent to Mount Everest, a very special relationship was born between Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, as well as between him and the whole Nepalese people. This place was so meaningful to Hillary that he ended up dedicating most of his efforts to helping them, founding a non-profit organization which built schools and hospitals in Nepal, and visiting its people every year.
(In Memoriam - Sir Edmund Hillary - Tenzing Norgay)