19 de jul. 2014

Amira Willighagen canta "O Mio Babbino Caro" / Amira Willighagen sings "O Mio Babbino Caro"

Aix!! No tinc massa temps per escriure... però sí per penjar aquest vídeo, una veu increïble amb tan sols nou anyets!! Si sou amants de la música, no us ho perdeu!! Preciós!! Sense paraules.

Grrr... No time for posts lately... but at least I am going to attach here this video which I found absolutely astonishing. This nine-year-old girl Amira Willighagen shows up to Holland's got talent with an opera song, and the performance is totally, absolutely beautiful. If you like music and good voices, don't miss this one!!

Better quality for the full screen, though no English subtitles:

Smaller video size, though with English subtitles: