Últimament estic intentant entendre els ordinadors. Però... què són "els ordinadors"? Uns éssers d'un altre planeta que només entenen zeros i uns (com es pot comunicar algú amb zeros i uns?), que sempre van acompanyats d'uns traductors misteriosos que es fan dir sistemes operatius (que pel que sembla parlen diversos idiomes artificials amb regles sintàctiques i semàntiques, i llavors ho tradueixen tot a pals i rodones perquè l'ordinador els comprengui), i que gràcies a un tal Codi Font que composa els programes, acaben fent el que tu vols! Bé, a vegades... I el nucli? Què és el nucli? ;-)
I am trying to understand computers these days. I have to admit that I have the certain feeling I am not succeeding at all with my mission. The fact is, what are computers? Kind of super-natural-extra-terrestrial entities that communicate with zeros and ones? Of course they are always accompanied by some sort of mysterious translators named operating systems, which speak several artificial languages composed by syntactic and semanthic rules, and which have the complicated commitment to transform all the incomings into zeros and ones, so that the computer understands, finally. And then Mr. Source Code appears, takes part in the programs, and the tiny little thing ends up doing what you want - well, sometimes. I am sorry but I could only find a funny video in Spanish language.
(Spanish video)
I am trying to understand computers these days. I have to admit that I have the certain feeling I am not succeeding at all with my mission. The fact is, what are computers? Kind of super-natural-extra-terrestrial entities that communicate with zeros and ones? Of course they are always accompanied by some sort of mysterious translators named operating systems, which speak several artificial languages composed by syntactic and semanthic rules, and which have the complicated commitment to transform all the incomings into zeros and ones, so that the computer understands, finally. And then Mr. Source Code appears, takes part in the programs, and the tiny little thing ends up doing what you want - well, sometimes. I am sorry but I could only find a funny video in Spanish language.
(Spanish video)