19 d’ag. 2010

Era - "Ameno" / Era - "Ameno"

Feia temps que buscava aquesta cançó, però no recordava de qui era, ni sabia el seu nom. Avui m'he topat amb ella sense esperar-m'ho, quina sorpresa! No sé què té aquesta cançó... que és tan perfecte.
I had been looking for this song for a long time, but I did not know who was singing it, nor its name. Today I came across this music by chance, what an unexpected surprise! I don't exactly know what's going on here... that is so perfect to me. The video is subtitled in Spanish language.

No volia posar aquesta altra "versió" de la cançó aquí, per no espatllar la primera... però al final ho faré. És tan horrible i surrealista que m'he partit de riure, no té pèrdua! Sobretot el noi de dalt a l'esquerra, és boníssim.
I did not want to post this other video of the song here as well, because I did not want to spoil the magic of the first one but... I will finally post it. This is so terrible and surrealistic that I couldn't help bursting into laughter!