Hi ha gent que realment sap com divertir-se, eh...!! ;-) Mare meva, quina colla de bojos que corren pel planeta ;-) El "wingsuit flying" és un tipus de, no sé com ho diria, caiguda lliure, ja sigui bé tirant-se des d'un avió o helicòpter, o bé tipus base jumping, que seria tirant-se des d'una roca o punt estàtic de certa alçada. El tret diferencial és que aquesta colla de sonats, enlloc de portar només el típic paracaigudes, porten també un tratge especial que incrementa la superfície de contacte amb l'aire, fent una mica l'efecte de les "ales" dels ocells. Realment una passada, però alhora sembla molt, molt perillós... Us deixo amb una xerrada plena de vida que Ueli Gegenschatz va fer al plató de TED l'any passat (en anglès, però podeu activar els subtítols en diversos idiomes, una opció que surt just sota la imatge del vídeo), i amb un vídeo de youtube més avall. No vull que aquest sigui un post trist, així que una altra referència relacionada amb tot això, la faré un altre dia. Per ara, que ho disfruteu!!
There's really mad people around, who really know how to enjoy...!! ;-) What a gang of nuts that we have in the world ;-) "Wingsuit flying" is kind of a free fall, either from a plane or helicopter, or also from a static high point in a mountain or building (which would be more like base jumping), carrying not only a parachute, but also a special jumpsuit that increases the surfice in contact with air, as if "wings". This is amazing, but I guess it's also very dangerous... I invite you to watch a talk full of life that Ueli Gegenschatz gave at TED's last year, and also to watch a video from youtube attached right after the talk. I don't want this to be a sad post, so more references to this stuff, I will post them another day. For now, enjoy!!
(English with optional Spanish subtitles video)
Youtube video:
There's really mad people around, who really know how to enjoy...!! ;-) What a gang of nuts that we have in the world ;-) "Wingsuit flying" is kind of a free fall, either from a plane or helicopter, or also from a static high point in a mountain or building (which would be more like base jumping), carrying not only a parachute, but also a special jumpsuit that increases the surfice in contact with air, as if "wings". This is amazing, but I guess it's also very dangerous... I invite you to watch a talk full of life that Ueli Gegenschatz gave at TED's last year, and also to watch a video from youtube attached right after the talk. I don't want this to be a sad post, so more references to this stuff, I will post them another day. For now, enjoy!!
(English with optional Spanish subtitles video)
Youtube video: