5 de des. 2011

Obsolescència Programada: Comprar, Llençar, Comprar / Planned Obsolescence: Pyramids Of Waste, The Light Bulb Conspiracy

Quina pena tan gran... El món tan bonic en el que vivim, les vides que podríem arribar a viure... tan diferents a les vides que vivim avui... L'ésser humà, lluny de ser intel·ligent, ho està espatllant tot. Ho estem espatllant tot. La paraula maleïda: "interès". Avui em cauen les llàgrimes, però jo soparé aquesta nit, i dormiré sota un sostre. D'altres, malauradament, no. Ara bé, seguiré comprant-me impressores, bombetes, portàtils nous i mitges noves, per poder sobreviure dins aquesta fastigosament meravellosa societat que hem creat. Per sort, per sort, sembla que no tothom és així.
Today, I have to hold tears and contain rage again as I go through this documentary, which I highly recommend. What an enormous waste of life, and world. And resources. And time, and health. In this beautiful world that holds us, things could be so, so very different. But oh, no. We forgot that we are humans, and that we are intelligent. So intelligent that we have decided to prioritize the damned "interest" (or should I say the damned "self-interest-no-matter-what") to anything else, even to common sense. Luckily, I will eat dinner tonight, and sleep under a roof. Other people, unfortunately, won't. Still, I will continue buying new printers, new light bulbs, new laptops and new stockings in order to survive in this sickeningly marvellous society that we've built.
(Catalan video)

(English video)