Encara que potser no per a tothom aquests són dies agradables i feliços, suposo que sí que són dies per tots d'alguna manera especials, els de Nadal, i que poc o molt hi ha un sentiment al darrere. Avui m'agradaria desitjar-vos un bon Nadal :-) Teniu dues opcions a escollir: la primera, més emotiva -i potser un xic trista-, una música preciosa de la pel·lícula Joyeux Noël (Feliz Navidad), basada en els fets reals de fraternització entre soldats alemanys, francesos i escocesos en la nit de Nadal de 1914, durant la Primera Guerra Mundial quan, al front de batalla, van decidir fer una petita treva no oficial, deixar de matar-se mutuament i compartir uns moments de pau plegats. La cançó es titula Hymne Des Fraternisés (I'm Dreaming Of Home) i crec que és molt, molt bonica. Qui vulgui una opció més animada, però, que esculli la segona, que també va de soldats ;-)
We don't need to be the happiest guys around at Christmas, nor to enjoy every one of these days that are right ahead of us, but I guess that either you are a Christmas lover, or you are not, there might be a special feeling among most of us these days. So, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas today :-) You have two options now here: the first one, much more moving and emotive, is the Hymne Des Fraternisés (I'm Dreaming Of Home), a really nice song from the movie Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas). This movie is based on the true events that occurred on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day in 1014, during World War I, when German, French and Scottish soldiers had an unexpected and unofficial truce, gradually dropped their guns and weapons aside for a while, and decided to spend the journey in peace all together, in "no man's land". I really love this song... Those who prefer a happier greeting, though, please choose option number two, starring soldiers, too ;-)
Opció 1:Option 1:
"I hear the mountain birds
The sound of rivers singing
A song I’ve often heard
It flows through me now
So clear and so loud
I stand where I am
And forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home.
It’s carried in the air
The breeze of early morning
I see the land so fair
My heart opens wide
There’s sadness inside
I stand where I am
And forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home.
This is no foreign sky
I see no foreign light
But far away am I
From some peaceful land
I’m longing to stand
A hand in my hand
... forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home."
Opció 2:The sound of rivers singing
A song I’ve often heard
It flows through me now
So clear and so loud
I stand where I am
And forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home.
It’s carried in the air
The breeze of early morning
I see the land so fair
My heart opens wide
There’s sadness inside
I stand where I am
And forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home.
This is no foreign sky
I see no foreign light
But far away am I
From some peaceful land
I’m longing to stand
A hand in my hand
... forever I’m dreaming of home
I feel so alone, I’m dreaming of home."
Option 2: