Aquesta és la història d'una àguila que, com que des de petita ha crescut en un galliner enmig de gallines, es passa tota la vida creient-se que és una gallina, picotejant el gra de terra com les altres gallines, i fent coc-coc. En realitat és una àguila preciosa i podria estar volant molt, molt amunt... però ha crescut mirant al terra i no s'atreveix ni a imaginar que pot arribar més enllà. Novament, crec que les coses no sempre són tan fàcils ni tan boniques en aquesta vida, però aquesta historieta en ocasions ens pot fer reflexionar, si més no el missatge. Si la voleu veure, us deixo amb el Sr. René Mantecón.
This is the story of an eagle that was raised among chickens. Living in a coop, she herself ended up believing she was a chicken. Guessing that she belonged to the land, our eagle friend spent all her life looking down, not knowing that her real nature was indeed much higher, up in the skies. Again, I know life is not so easy nor so beautiful sometimes, but it is in fact true that we usually behave according to what we believe, according to what we have been raised, not even daring to imagine we can fly a bit higher. This story is told in English language by Dr. Eldon Taylor in a video below. There is another video posted here as well for the same story, in English, to be read.
(Spanish video)(English video)
(A very special English video of the tale)