Una interpretació molt curiosa de l' "Ària" de Bach. El vocal és Bobby McFerrin, intèrpret a cappella i director d'orquestra. Realment, aquest home té "cordes" vocals, eh! Escoltant aquesta obra un pot imaginar-se que la melodia l'està emetent un instrument de corda, tipus una viola o un violoncel, i sembla que en realitat sigui així! Bobby McFerrin és conegut per tenir un rang vocal molt ampli (de quatre octaves!) i per la seva habilitat d'utilitzar la veu per crear efectes sonors.
A very singular performance of Bach's "Air". The vocal here is Bobby McFerrin, a famous singer of a cappella music and conductor, well known because of his ability to create sound effects with his voice, and because he has a really wide vocal range (it spans four octaves!). If you listen to this piece, you'll see that this man has actual vocal "cords", or "strings", as you can imagine the melody is being played by a string instrument, and it appears to be true.
A very singular performance of Bach's "Air". The vocal here is Bobby McFerrin, a famous singer of a cappella music and conductor, well known because of his ability to create sound effects with his voice, and because he has a really wide vocal range (it spans four octaves!). If you listen to this piece, you'll see that this man has actual vocal "cords", or "strings", as you can imagine the melody is being played by a string instrument, and it appears to be true.