Un vídeo molt bonic... A més els bitxets que hi surten fan molta gràcia!! Si fossin mascotes, jo me'n comprava dos o tres segur! ;-) D'aquí m'agrada molt el missatge de lluitar pel que un realment vol en aquesta vida, de no rendir-se, per difícil que sigui (mentre es pugui... és clar!).
A very beautiful video... And the little bugs in it are very funny, in my opinion. If they were pets, I would keep some at home for sure! ;-) What I really like about this animation is the message of keep trying, no matter how hard it is, never surrender in achieving your dreams, what you really want in this life, that in what you really believe (as long as it is possible, of course!). The video is very graphic, though it has some sentences written by Paulo Coelho in Spanish language. Sorry, I could not find the English version of it either...